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Created by Memoru, adopted at The Crossroads.

On the northern end of the Canine Quarters are some kennels filled with pint-sized toys and beds. Some kennels have two names on them, cute little names like "Tin & Pumpernickel". Peeking over the doors, you can see a whole pack of tiny terriers. Some are puzzling out toys, while others race in and out to the pastures after each other. They are very friendly, and even come up to you to say hello.

Two Tinydales bound right up to you and wag their tails. They hop around on their hinds legs before falling over on top of each other. They clumsily get up and give each other a lick before returning to you with hopes of some affection.

There is some information on their kennel door...
gender: dog
id: TD-031-M
lineage: stock
loves: Pumpernickel, learning tricks, being smart, treats
gender: bitch
id: TD-032-F
lineage: stock
loves: Tin, making new friends, toys filled with snacks, fetch

In the kennel next door are two little females. They seem to be related, and look a lot like Tin and Pumpernickel. Both were sleeping in a little pile together, but one notices you and perks right up. Her sister rolls over sleepily and blinks at you. The first little girl comes over and holds her front paws together while wagging her tail. No doubt this has worked on many other visitors before you.

There is some information on their kennel door...
gender: bitch
id: TD-045-F
lineage: 31 x 32
loves: Being "the good sister," Tegan, wrestling
gender: bitch
id: TD-047-F
lineage: 31 x 32
loves: Socializing, Cecily, treats

A little farther down is a kennel with another mated pair. The male looks like he could be related to the previous Tinydales you saw. He and his lady wag their tails at you before bounding outside together. You can hear a distant voice calling them, and the sound of hooves on the grass.

There is some information on their kennel door...
gender: dog
id: TD-048-M
lineage: 31 x 32
loves: Macaroon, adventures, showing off his smarts, discovering things
gender: bitch
id: TD-051-F
lineage: 10 x 33
loves: Sisal, rainy days, exploring Artonia, adventures, surprises

You head out one of the doors to the large field just for Tinydales. In front of you, stretching her lovely wings, is a beautiful female. She leaps into the air and glides around you before going off to fetch a toy. She returns, toy in mouth, with another little female. The winged girl drops her toy for you and both stare at you eagerly, wagging their tails in anticipation.

There is some information above the back entrance to their kennels...
gender: bitch
id: TD-096-F
lineage: stock
loves: Rainbows, the breeze from the lake, fetch, people who can throw toys really far, making new friends
gender: bitch
id: TD-124-F
lineage: stock
loves: Woodlands, new people, her friends, fetch, sunset, cuddles, that new toy smell